Planting Seeds

  1. Preparing the Sponge:

    • Cut the sponge along a tangential line into a 25mm x 25mm piece.
    • Soak the sponge in clean water without nutrient solution to allow full water absorption, which is beneficial for seed germination.
  2. Handling the Sponge:

    • Squeeze the sponge gently to release any trapped air, which helps accelerate the water absorption process.
  3. Placing the Sponge:

    • After soaking, use tweezers to place the sponge in the planting cup.
    • Ensure that the grooved side of the sponge faces upwards and the bottom of the sponge makes full contact with the bottom of the planting cup.
  4. Sowing Seeds:

    • Plant the vegetable seeds in the groove at the center of the sponge.
    • Typically, place 1-2 seeds per seedling cup; however, for varieties like arugula and amaranth, use 2-3 seeds.
    • Soak the seeds in water for 12-24 hours to facilitate faster and more effective germination.
  5. Germination and Growth:

    • Place the seeded cup into the seedling layer of the OxyGarden to initiate germination.
    • Monitor the germination times as they can vary with different seed types and environmental conditions.
    • Cover the seeds with plastic wrap post-sowing to aid in germination and remove the wrap promptly after germination occurs.
    • Ensure the seedlings receive more than 8 hours of light daily.
  6. Transplanting Seedlings:

    • When seedlings grow to about 4-5 leaves (approximately 15-20 days), carefully transfer them with the planting cup to the nursery tray.
    • Handle the delicate roots with care to avoid damage.
    • Continue to cultivate the seedlings in the nursery tray as required.


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